I did something yesterday I never imagined I'd do — walk into the local hardware store and buy 12 half-inch screws to drill into the soles of my running shoes.
The concept seemed perfectly reasonable. We've had 20-something inches of snowfall this winter. And, what has fallen still sits on the city's streets.
This has driven many people to head for the tropics, like Omaha, Kansas City or maybe even Mexico.
With one child at college, three more at home and me unable to come to terms with a 9-5 job, going for a run is about the only trip that falls in my budget range.
But, I didn't want to get into that with the hardware store man. Just the screws, sir.
He gave a little sideways glance and repeated after me, "You're going to put these in the soles of your running shoes?"
"Um, yeah," I said.
"Boy, that's ... uh ... dedication," he said, clearly searching for a suitable adjective that wouldn't insult my mental health.
Whatever. Six weeks into the worst winter of outdoor running in at least 10 years, and I am too far into crazy to turn back.
What actually is crazy is that the damn screws worked. Weeks of slip-sliding along icy streets covered in a snowy mush? Done! Tight hamstrings? Gone! Run inside? Not a chance!
All for the whopping price of 84 cents. Can't get to Mexico on that, but it sure gets me out the door.
1 comment:
Are you serious? You should be on Oprah with that.
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