Well, Pa, looks like the weather forecasters got this one right. Temp is -8, feels like -36. Wind is blowing from the northwest at 30 mph, gusting to 37 mph.
Although, with the huge mass of precipitation stomping across the state, calling this storm was not brain surgery. Hmm, let me see ... dropping temps, moisture, wind ... could it be? A blizzard?
I stopped by HyVee yesterday afternoon, not thinking at all about the pending weather. The morning run was done. Life was good. All I needed to do was grab a couple of items.
Instead, I walked into a food frenzy. Aisle traffic was at a standstill with shopping carts and checkout lines were stacked five and six deep . It doesn't get this bad the day before Thanksgiving.
Blizzard's coming, remarked a passing friend.
Stocking up on foodstuffs. Of course! That is what South Dakotans do when bad weather is bearing down on the state.
The runners, however, were more focused on the ten-day forecast. Storm coming. Temperature supposed to bottom out well below zero. Gotta get out while the getting is good.
That is why we head out every day we can, so that when the roads become impassable, the winds fly and the mercury plunges to life-threatening degrees, we can sit inside, sip coffee and wait for the first clearing.
In the meantime, better tie a rope from house to barn.
Hey Amy,
Actually, I was focused on the short-term forecast, wondering exactly when the blizzard was going to arrive. Would I have a chance to sneak in a morning run?
Checking the temperature when I went to bed Saturday night, it was 22 degrees. I thought, 'I should be out there now? No, no way. I've already run today. I'm not going out again... But I won't mind waking up early to go for a run.'
Sure enough, when I awoke at 2:30 to go to the bathroom, I said, 'Why not?'
Got my five miles in when the temperature was still 22, though it had dropped to 16 by the time I returned.
Didn't have to worry about traffic. The only vehicle I met was when I was coming back into town. A limousine was coming down Main Street, Volga. The driver was probably more surprised to see me than I was to see anyone else out at that hour.
Enjoy your hot beverages. Remind the swimmers that shoveling is a great form of land training.
A run at 2:30?!! You ARE crazy!!
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