Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big Chill

The winds are blowing from the north/northwest this morning, gusting up to 30-something mph. The weather says the temp is 23, but feels like 7.
No kidding.
But, as cold as it is, sadly, depressingly, this is just the start of winter here. In another month, we'll be longing for 20 degrees.
It's not much better inside.
Given the lovely economic downturn, I'm doing my part to cut expenses. Lowered the thermostat to 60 and pushing hot fluids. So far, it's easier than going back to work full-time.
The husband and kids are finally starting to adjust to the austere chill in the house, although I do have to monitor the thermostat. Someone (husband is key suspect) keeps trying to turn the temp up to 64. Much too hot!
Less whining. More layers.

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